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Healing Digest


Healing or Medication?
Trusting God with Medicine.

I’m intrigued, curious, Should I take medication or believe GOD? My question comes from a great struggle, one of faith I must add. Should I dare to just believe God or should I take the surgeon’s advice and have medical treatment. I feel somewhat guilty, all my life I have preached healing and laid  hands of folks and saw them delivered from demons and cancer and other sicknesses. I’m convinced healing is God’s will and God’s will for all. Yet I was sick? I was told by my consultant back three years ago that I was diagnosed with cancer, I was so stunned by his diagnosis that I instantaneously responded ‘O I have to believe the Lord now then wont I! to which he responded, ‘there is no God’ and walked out of the room only to return ten minuites later to tell me I was free to go!

Was I giving up my faith to trust the Lord? I mean I have read about the old timer Pentecostal’s who ‘prayed through’ their sickness of course that was in the days when they did not have a local GP or a local pharmacy or hospital I had long time admired these folks. and somewhat Gove me a benchmark to aim for. I have for many years been a follower of Richard and Oral Roberts, so the other day I asked myself why did Oral Roberts as a healing evangelist build the city of faith and its hospital?
’beloved I wish that thou Mayest be in health even as they soul prospers’( 3 John 1:2).
Their website stated that their vision was to help people stay well as well as get their healing, this made sense to me. Healing is one thing but having good health is another!
Does God punish saints with sickness? that is another question. Let me share a quick answer. No! In the Old testament before Christ was punished with our sins and took on our sicknesses, punishment was put on men, even animals as a sacrifice for sin, however at Calvary all things became new
Salvation not sickness belongs to the believer. The word is a lamp to our feet. GOD USES THE WORD TO GUIDE us, correct us and show us his way;
Back to my question? Medicine or trusting God?
I don’t believe its and either or, I came to the conclusion that I have to trust God whether I take medicine or not, taking medicine does not men I don’t have to trust the Lord for indeed he is the Lord that healeth thee. He is the great physician. Medication is not barrier from him healing me completely, faith and truly is still necessary in him.
I know he alone has the great reputation, ‘he healed all who were sick’ His name is ‘The Great Physician,’ I don’t know any doctor who have this title do you?
The great Physician, the Lord that healeth thee.

Faith is Where You Find it

Faith has to be found in your struggle, in your unbelief, in your insignificance and desperation. Faith is not always found where you want it to be and we have to go to the place where have avoided going, like to Jesus. In the bible, there was a military man had never bowed to anyone before but Caesar.
Matthew 8 tells us how he had a servant at his home who was sick, he had never approached Jesus before, his Lord and master was Caesar. not Jesus, but Caesar could not help him, Caeser could not cure this man’s servant. So he went to Jesus and Jesus said, “go your way AS YOU HAVE BELIEVED LET IT BE DONE FOR YOU” and his servant was healed that self-same hour.
When you need faith you have to look in the right places, doctors cant give it, medication can’t give it, your understanding and status in life cant give it, your money can’t buy it. You have to go to THE SOURCE OF ALL FAITH and that is Jesus. The very fact that this man went to Jesus expreses the highest level of faith.

Where is God? where you find the faith… that works…. Have you ever been to Jesus? Since he is the source of faith you be surprised how faith comes alive in you when you take that step to him and begin to talk to him about your struggle

Belief Helps us realise Jesus is the source of all power. He is your point of contact faith comes from nothing else other than him and when you find him you find FAITH, Yes the Faith that works.



REVIVAL READY…A prophetic word for the REVIVAL PREACHER in hiding…

The world needs the revival Preacher. How do you know you’re ready? When revival is happening at your house first, when your head is anointed with your oil, when your cup runs over, when in the presence of enemies you stand at your table and share your portion. (Psalm 23).

Every preacher should desire the work of the revival preacher. thats why you as a preacher feels cut off, in a limited place, you feel disconnected and alone. working below your fulfilment level and living below your means. You’re made for more. quit limiting God, start preaching miracles faith and healing and you GET “wypiwyg” (what you preach is what you get).

Shake yourself from the dust of self unbelief and self pity and wake up to the God in you. Quit looking at what you haven’t got and start looking at who you are in him.

The heart of the revival preacher. He has the spirit of the breaker, when he is weak he finds his greatest strength. When he is abased he abounds, when he falls he arises, He is found running through troops and leaping over walls, walking in victory while going through a struggle, he can praise while walking through a storm, worship in drought, preach while hidden and prophecy while he himself is in a cave and be anointed while he himself in needs of a prophetic word from others. He can hold revival while in his own den if he has to. He don’t need a crowd, that’s why like John the Baptist who could preach Jesus in a desert, God will use him. Crowd don’t make him and platforms don’t elevate him. He himself is God’s platform.

REVIVAL READY…if not you who? You are the candidate for revival. Why you know he working because he’s working in you. Revival starts afresh with you in you from you, you are the river you are God’s OPEN HEAVENS and God’s open door.

REVIVAL READY means, I know the season and i’ve discerned its always NOW.. NOW is always God’s time. because God is NOW.. Never beg God for revival… be the revival.

REVIVAL READY. Get out of your humanness and connect. connect with others of like kind spirit, faith and passion. The lord done this and so should you.

REVIVAL READY.. If not you, who? if not now, when? Your waiting for another is unbelief in your own calling ability and talent. You are chosen now arise form your pit and present yourself to him.

You don’t wait for the move of God, you feel the move of God, He woks in you, that’s revival. You are the revival coming to town BELIEVE IT .. BE IT … AND OTHERS AROUND YOU WILL SEE IT.


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Healing it’s in the Blood

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

(Hebrews 4;12)

The word pierces the flesh and the bone marrow. The bone marrow is where LIFE os formed. The life is in the blood. When The LORD SPEAKS THE WORD over us and to us for our healing, miracles happen in this mortal body. the quickening of the flesh takes place, beginning in the blood, new life comes to the joints and sinews blood and bones and it starts in the bone marrow. Therefore it is as we speak the WORD of God to our bones, miracles happen.
Remember Ezekiel’s valley of dry bones…’HEAR ye the word of the Lord….’ There’s coming an standing up in your life, commanded by heaven. One shall be turned into an army, there’s an army in you no sickness death or disease can stop. in Jesus name

TAKEN from my Ebook: POWER ITS IN THE BLOOD By Paul B Thomas



STAND STILL and see the glory of God. (Exodus 14:13) Walk before me and be ye perfect (Genesis 17:1) THIS ONE THING I do ( Phil 3:1 ) I PRESS toward the mark . Give all DILIGENCE (2 Peter 1:5)Be steadfast ALWAYS abounding
(1 Cor 15:58).

PARTNER with Paul B Thomas and Image Breakers


Paul B Thomas
Life Evangelist and Bible Belt Revivalist


The God Man

POSSIBILITY -FAITH DIGEST is published by Image Breakers/Paul B Thomas in Newport Wales UK
© 2023 Paul B Thomas
International all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without written authorization of the copyright owner.
Printing and distribution costs are paid for by donations from Image Breakers and Paul B Thomas friends and partners.
Unless otherwise noted, Bible quotations are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.

All rights reserved. Editor-in-Chief/Paul B Thomas
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